Collaboration with locals

As far as I know, christians from foreign countries, when they received a call from God to go to share gospel in certain place, they brought resources to the locals and build churches or schools. Look at Hong Kong, many famous Catholic schools were established by priests. Even now, church planting is the most common way to start with when it comes to overseas mission. There are models of church planting inherited from the old days, transformed or even invented. I believe they are all good as long as commanded by the Lord of the harvest.

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Adventure Camp

If you ask me one thing that have inspired and cultivated my faith the most in my youth, I would definitely say ‘summer camp’. I still remember many activities: taking up a 1.5m wooden cross, having moral discussion while seeing <tears of the sun>, trust fall, walking in the dark with your eyes folded, ropes course… many more I could go on and all these have helped me to explore my self, my friendship and my faith. By knowing my fear and doubt, I got to be closer to Him. As Parker Palmer says ‘The deeper our faith, the more doubt we must endure’.

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